
Convenient Access

no local installation, only remote access through a link

Fully adaptable

display your custom datasets, or add ours to your ERPs, BIMs, etc…

APFA Gateway

manage and monitor easily your DIDs and files’ authorizations

Real Estate File System

Daily Simplicity

easy joining, file-sharing & password-less access

Extended control

manage file access easily, revoke file-sharing cascades in one click


utmost security and privacy, everyday, and in the palm of your hand


Property tokenization
Creation of a NFT linked to the Decentralized Identity (DID) of the owner

Operated from the ProApp

Documents storage
Separated into two folders : Public and Private

Then, give folder/file access rights to a REFS device outside of the ProApp

REFS daily access
Access documents easily from your smartphone and share them with new devices

Minimum necessity to use to the ProApp, all data management operations (like access rights attribution or revokation) can be done from REFS